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Dark Souls 1 I Hear a Crystal Lizard in Ariamis Where Is It

Great Hollow

Below is a video to be used along with the text here to help you locate each Crystal Lizard as well as any items to loot.

Note : Getting into and out of this area can be quite the task for some. If you wish to save yourself some trouble you can put off this area until a little later in the game when you gain the ability to warp from bonfires.

Continue along the tunnel and down a ladder to reach a bonfire, as you can see this is quite a deep and dangerous area. If you have an Intelligence level of 15 or higher I would suggest attuning the Fall Control spell if you have it as we will be falling often in order to collect all items as well as kill the ten Crystal Lizards we can find here. I would advise making sure you either have Homeward Bones or the Homeward miracle (15 Faith required) as we will be starting over often. Lastly although if you are a male character and it will look silly, you should equip the Antiquated Set as this has a massive Curse Resist bonus, if you do not have it then the Crimson Set we got in Blighttown is your next best option finally if you have it, equip the Ring of Fog, this will give you more time to reach each Crystal Lizard before it disappears. I would also advise you use any souls you have to level up if possible as there is a high chance you will die mutliple times while trying to navigate this area,, in case you do experience difficulty I have included a link to a video so you can see what to do should my words not be enough.

Alright with everything set and ready it's time to explore, I will do my best to give you the best detail possible. As you set out onto the first tree root path you can see another one on the right that extends higher than the one you are on, you need to run and jump onto this root. When you land walk up towards it's highest point and when you reach the bend look down through the gap between the root and the wall to see a lower root, drop to it and from this one if you look down you will see a ledge, if you are careful and drop down slowly you should land on the very edge of it safely. Inside this tunnel is a group of Crystal Lizards head through and kill as many as you find, at the end of the tunnel press start and quit the game then reload to make the others respawn and head through the tunnel again. Do this until you have killed five Crystal Lizards in total rewarding you with 10 Twinkling Titaninte and a random assortment of other Titanite products from Large Shards to the very rare Titanite Slab

Again jump over to the tree root on your right, when you land climb it all the way to the end and drop off the end onto another lower ledge. Head inside the tunnel and at the dead end quit the game and reload, when you do head back to the entrance to kill a Crystal Lizard, again quit and reload and head back into the tunnel for another Crystal Lizard at the dead end. When you have killed the two Lizards head to the ledge and at the edge of it you can see another ledge below you, drop down to it and take the left side tree root, not far down it you will be able to step off onto a very short adjoining root that doubles back and leads down, there should be a Crystal Lizard here however if there is not, quit and reload the game until it appears, kill it and then continue down the root that doubles back to a solid platform with a spiral ramp leading inside the tree trunk, at the bottom of the ramp are three Basilisks, the same enemies from The Depths, do your best to take them on one at a time, luring them however you can. When they are dead head out the exit there and on your left behind the entry way is a Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier. Walk down a narrow root on the right of the landing and follow it down to another platform, walk about five or so more steps down the narrow root and look down to your left, you should see another ledge directly below you, this should have a Crystal Lizard on it, if not quit and reload until it does, when it appears drop down and kill it.

From the ledge you're on take the right side root and walk up it until it connects with another, from here quit and reload the game until another Crystal Lizard appears on the platform you had dropped down to, head over and kill it and use a Homeward Bone, or any other method to return to the bonfire to star over again.

Head down the main root and not far in you should be able to look directly down and inside a tree trunk below you with a corpse, roll off of the root you're on to land inside and pick up the Cloranthy Ring. Drop down a hole that should be just behind you and walk outside the trunk and turn right, make a short drop to the root below and collect the Titanite Chunk off of the corpse. From the corpse turn around and you should see a platform to your right, run and jump/roll onto it, take the tree root on the right up to a corpse with a Red Titanite Chunk on it and then head back to the first corpse and drop down the the ledge under it where you will find the same three Basilisks from before, kill them before they cause any damage.

Take the narrow root again on the right and follow it all the way until it ends and connects with another root, from here drop down to the right on a root just below you, follow this until just after it wraps around the trunk and you will see another wide root below you, drop down and when you land look down and you should see a corpse on another root just below you, follow the root you are currently on until just before it ends when you will see a safe spot to drop down, head up to the corpse and collect a Blue Titanite Chunk then return to the bonfire again however you can.

Make your way down to the Basilisk area again and once more take the narrow path on the right and follow it until if ends and drop down to the root just below you once more. From this branch if you look down towards the wall you will see a corpse on a lower branch, position yourself as well as you can and drop down to it and collect a White Titanite Chunk. From here turn around and follow the root until it ends and you'll see another root on your left below you, drop down and you will find yourself on the same branch just above the location of the Blue Titanite Chunk, drop back down to that branch and head up to the corpse again, when you get there look down to the left at another root and drop down onto it, follow it around to where it gets very narrow and at the end underneath you on another narrow root is a Red Titanite Chunk, grab it and then drop down to the level below, there will be two Basilisks here so kill them but be wary of the holes in the ground as they lead to a large drop if you aren't careful.

Look around the trunk of the tree and down one of the holes you will see a corpse on a branch you can drop down to, jump down and pick up a Blue Titanite Chunk, below you is solid floor again but also another bunch of Basilisks so drop down when you are ready and kill them all as quickly as you can. Collect the Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier and then if you look around the edges you should be able to find a very thin branch that extends into an even thinner branch protruding from it's left-hand side, walk onto it and then onto the very thin branch coming out on the left and drop down to a tree root just below it, look to your right and there will be a corpse with a White Titanite Chunk.

From the Chunk, look down to your right to see another thin branch and drop down onto it and then onto another again until you can safely reach the main path, if you happen to die, make your way down but this time you can avoid all the theatrics, if you head down the main tree root until the end then drop down from there to the landing with the three Basilisks inside the tree, take the narrow path on the right all the way down and continue around to the end on a landing with a ladder, take that down and then down another ladder to the first section of solid ground, kill the Basilisks and take another ladder at the edge of one of the inner holes down, kill the next set of Basilisks and then take the main tree root down from there will will be on the main path.

Continue down and you will begin to see mushrooms growing everywhere, if you look to your right you should see a corpse atop a mushroom, when you are almost at the end of the main path there will be an opportunity to drop down onto a mushroom and then again to where the corpse is to pick up a Titanite Chunk (this is the last of the items), follow the path until you reach mushrooms you can walk on. Here you will find Mushroom Children though these ones will not be docile like they were in Darkroot Garden, defeat each one until you reach the bottom where you will find three Mushroom Parents and two Mushroom Children, fighting the Parents in these tight quarters an be quite dangerous especially if you happen to have two or more coming at you together, I would suggest simply running through into the tunnel and through the fog door at the end where you will enter..

Ash Lake

Head down the tree roots and through a large hollowed trunk, on your way down you should see a Hydra to your left, this is the second and last one in the game, don't fight it yet instead turn right and swing around to reach a bonfire, rest and kindle etc. Make sure you have the Rusted Iron Ring on then head over to the Hydra and use the exact same strategy as before to defeat it but be careful as the drop off point in the water is less than knee deep. Once it starts attacking with its heads you can back out of the water a little as it being this close to you will cause serious damage, even while blocking. After a few head dives the Hydra will start to back off into the water again, when it does this it's getting ready to fire its magic attack, wait for it and then run down to the edge of the water to avoid it, stay here until it comes close enough that it will start attacking physically again. Within a couple of minutes you should be able to kill it and get 10,000 souls and two Dragon Scales.

From the water's edge look to your left and you will see a corpse, head over and pick up a Dragon Scale. From here head down the beach now, on your right will be a large hollow log, inside is another Dragon Scale. Continue further along the beach where you will find two Man-Eater Shells, these enemies are a pain and it would probably be better to just avoid them and head to the tree just beyond them, before heading in on the left hand side of the dunes just on the water's edge is another Dragon Scale. When you get to the tree walk around the outside back towards the way you came to find the entrance, inside waiting are two Basilisks and a Mushroom Parent, use whatever means you have to lure the Basilisks out and then deal with the Mushroom Parent before walking up the root and follow it out and around the tree where another Basilisk will be waiting, just where the Basilisk is you should be able to see a broken hollow log below you, drop inside and then follow the tunnel to get the Great Magic Barrier spell (Checklist Miracle 7/23).

Head out of the tree now and follow the narrow trail of sand all the way to the end, there will be another Man-Eater on the way but just run straight past it, at the end of the trail you will find the Everlasting Dragon. Walk up to him and pray to enter the Path of the Dragon Covenant and unlock

Lastly, walk on the sand around to the back of the Everlasting Dragon and slice at his tail a couple of times to chop it off and gain the Dragon Greatsword (Checklist Weapon 9/50), that is everything we can do here.

The next thing we will do before heading into the next area for story progression is gain access to another Covenant, to begin make your way up to Firelink Shrine, we will take the New Londo shortcut this time. In Blighttown head over to the elevator device and ride it up, from there continue up each ladder you come to until you arrive at the top. When you get there on your right should be a chest with the New Londo Ruins Key inside. Head down the tunnel towards the exit, there will be three Infested Barbarians on your way and into the Valley of the Drakes area. Walk over the makeshift bridge just on your right as you exit Blighttown and turn left when you've crossed to come to a stone structure with a gate, use the key you just gained to unlock it and head down the stairs into New Londo.

New Londo

Head up another set of stairs directly to your left and continue up some more until you reach a lever, pull it to call down an elevator and ride it up into Firelink Shrine.When you arrive you can do one of two things, farm for souls until you reach a Faith level of 25 or you can see Petrus of Thorolund and rejoin the Way of White Covenant, the fastest way to get what we are aiming for here is to go with Petrus so do that and then return to Blighttown heading back the way you came through New Londo. At the bonfire in the swamp become Human and use the White Soapstone to create a summon sign (being in the Way of White makes you more likely to find co-op partners), when you are summoned stick with the host until you have helped them defeat Quelaag in their world. The reason we are doing this is because each time you use co-op to help another player defeat another boss it will drop the Faith requirement for the next Covenant by 5 points each time. If you started with the Bandit like me you should have begun with 10 Faith so you will need to kill Quelaag with others a minimum of three times to adjust the requirements to your level.

When you have killed Quelaag enough head back out of Blighttown and into Undead Burg to the first bonfire there. The next task ahead of us is going to be killing the Hellkite Dragon. Before going anywhere go and see the Undead Merchant if you left him alive and purchase about 50 arrows then head up the ladder beside the bonfire. Equip your best Fire resistant armour and head up the steps to where the Hellkite guards the bridge.

At the top step out to antagonize the Hellkite into using his fire breath killing the other enemies on the bridge so that they won't bother you, run back down the stairs before he uses the attack of course. When the enemies are dead head back up the steps and be ready as this strategy requires good timing.

Use your bow to take a shot at the Hellkite, when it hits he will leap down onto the bridge right beside the steps, for a few moments he will not act when he lands, in this small window you get you need to use your main weapon two handed and run in and take a swing at his head, as soon as you connect your attack retreat back down the stairs until he has flown back to his perch on the building, repeat this process until you have defeated it. If you are having trouble understanding the strategy refer to the video below

When the Hellkite is dead head into the building he was guarding (on a corpse just before the entrance you can pick up a Claymore) where you will find a bonfire as well as a lever on your left raising a gate for quicker access into Undead Parish. To the right of the bonfire head through the doorway and up some steps to a broken statue on the balcony, if you have the right Faith requirement you should get a prompt to pray at the statue, do so to join the Covenant which will give you the Lightning Spear spell (Checklist Miracle 8/23) and unlock

The continue now head over to the bonfire above the blacksmith in Undead Parish. From here head out to where the giant locked gate was located to enter.

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Dark Souls 1 I Hear a Crystal Lizard in Ariamis Where Is It
